Sunday, 6 January 2013

Qu1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I believe that my mast head is conventional and fits in with the genre of my magazine. Alternative and rock music is bold and loud which captivates listener's attention and this is why I wanted my magazines masthead font to reflect this. When researching I took my main inspiration from the font that 'Kerrang', which is a magazine that focus' on the same genre that 'Reckless' does, uses. When browsing for fonts that were available on Photoshop I discovered that non of them suited my intention and this is why I began searching the internet for websites dedicated to offering an array of different fonts.

As you can see 'Kerrang' uses a font which portrays the genre that the music is. It appears as if the music is that loud that it cracks the font and having the letters in capitals results in the masthead catching potential buyers attention. 

I used the website '', as you can see from the print screen this website offered an array of different fonts and categorised them into themes. The website also offered a search bar so I was able to customise a search that made it possible to find the particular style of font I wanted.

This is the font that I chose to feature in my magazine. I believe that it suited my magazine's genre of alternative/rock. The letters are in capitals to represent how heavy and loud the music that 'Reckless' features is.

Mise en scene of my photographs: 
I decided to shoot the majority of my photographs in a studio using the high key technique. I believed that having my photographs shot in this style made them appear professional and as if they could be published in a magazine that was currently being sold on the market. I followed the typical convention for my front cover as I shot my model in the studio at a mid length angle, after researching an array of magazine's it became apparent that magazine's front covers made the main feature of the magazine the main focus on the front cover to grab potential buyers attention. I edited all of my photographs on Photoshop as I wanted 'RECKLESS' to appear professional, I mainly focused on the lighting rather than manipulating the photographs, changing the levels and curves of each photograph to make them look professional. One of my photographs was not shot in a studio but was taken at a Blink 182 gig, I decided to include this in 'RECKLESS' as this band's music fits in which the genre that my magazine features, therefore interesting my primary audience.

Costume and props:  
I believe that the style of my front cover suites my magazine's genre as I took my model's appearance into consideration. Her heavy eye make up and teenage-like outfit fits in with the alternative genre and as my primary audience will be teenagers I believed that it was important that the model who was featured on my front cover should be of the same age range.I think that many teenagers who would buy this magazine may have a dream of becoming successful in the music industry, there-for seeing artists from the younger generation gain success may arouse their curiosity. I followed typical conventions for my model's style, for example, 'Kerrang' magazine which is popular for distributing information about alternative/rock music always feature people who fit in with the magazine's genre.

In my magazine I used my model Sophie and created her a persona of becoming a successful singer, I believe that this character I created was conventional for my magazine as she sang music that my magazine focused on. She was also an artist from the younger generation and with my magazine's primary audience                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   being teenagers I believed that this was an important aspect.

I featured an array of different bands in my contents pages to intrigue readers. The artists I advertised were: Taylor Momsen, Kellin Quinn, Jeremy Mckinnon, Ed Mcrae, Oli Sykes, Mitch Lucker, Blink 182, D.R.U.G.S, Asking Alexandria, We are the in crowd, A day to remember and Abandon all ships. Although all of these bands are of an alternative/rock genre they differ, by using an array of different bands and artists I believed that there would be a greater chance of catering for all of my potential buyers needs therefore making them buy the magazine.

Title font and styles:
After creating my masthead on 'dafont' I decided that I would use a simple font throughout the rest of my magazine so 'RECKLESS' appeared professional and like a realistic magazine such as 'Kerrang'. I also used my masthead on the contents page, a technique I discovered was used frequently throughout magazine's that are currently available in the market.

Front cover choices
 I chose the colour purple as it is unisex, therefore making my magazine appeal to both genders thus creating a wider audience. I highlighted my headlines using a box and after trying an array of different coloured text I decided that white gave the most appealing contrast. I got the idea of using a coloured box to highlight the headlines from an array of different magazine's that did not just focus on music. The banner at the top of the front cover that reads, 'FREE BLINK 182 POSTERS! DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL EXCLUSIVE' is an idea I took from 'Kerrang' magazine, I believed that it was an efficient way to advertise other articles featured in my magazine without making the front page appear cluttered.

Contents page choices
I continued the theme of purple, black and white as when researching magazine's it became apparent that a colour palette was used, thus I used this typical convention in 'RECKLESS' as I want it to appear professional. I put certain writing in bold to capture my reader's attention and make it obvious what I considered to be important. I used the technique of highlighting headers in purple boxes while having the text in white so the articles that my magazine had to offer were categorised, thus making it easy for my readers to navigate around my contents page. Another aspect that I noticed when researching is that page numbers are never advertised in chronological order, there-fore I used this technique as I believe that it emphasised that 'RECKLESS' has an array of different articles available; hopefully interesting every potential buyer.

Double page spread choices
I no longer believed that it was necessary to use the same colour palette as my front cover and contents page. I decided to use the colours pink and black to keep the page looking simple. The reason for these colour choices were to portray the artist featured, the pink made it apparent that she was a girl and the black to portray that she was edgy and alternative. As for the interview, I made the questions and answers different colours and diverse fonts so my readers were able to instantly separate the parts of the interview, thus making it easier to read. I used a quote from the interview across the photograph as it was a technique I discovered when researching magazine's of a similar genre, such as a 'Kerrang'. I also believe that it is an excellent was to advertise the article if potential buyers are simply flicking through 'RECKLESS' and hopefully that piece of text may arouse peoples curiosity so they read the article. I had 'Sophie Tait' in eye catching 'Edwardian script ITC' font to make the artist' name obvious.

Written content:
I used informal language throughout 'RECKLESS' as my magazine's primary audience are teenagers and the topic of music is hardly a subject where formal language necessary. For example, if my magazine had a primary audience of adults and featured articles concerning politics I would have used formal language and complex words. I used an array of exclamation marks throughout my magazine, similar to 'Kerrang' so my readers felt as if they were part of the interview, a fast paced conversation filled with typical emotions displayed.

How is genre reflected in your magazine:
It is obvious that my magazine's is focused on featuring articles concerning music which is the genre of: rock, alternative and pop-punk to avoid confusion and attract my primary audience. I used a colour palette of purple, black and white in order to make my magazine appear uni-sex, there-for attracting both male and female potential buyers and creating a wider selection of buyers to make 'RECKLESS' successful. The language of my magazine was a huge factor which made it apparent that my magazine was aimed at a teenage audience. I believe that all of the photographs I included in my magazine were relevant to the chosen genre of music 'RECKLESS' featured so they appealed to my audience.

Layout of front cover, contents and double page spread: 
My front cover both challenges and follows the typical conventions regarding structure. It is apparent that there is not an even balance of text to images as I believed that the majority of magazine's front covers, such as 'Kerrang', appear overly cluttered with sub images which detract the focus from the artist that is supposed to be the main feature. Other than that I followed the typical conventions of magazine front covers, I used sell lines which had titles that were highlighted by boxes, a technique I discovered when researching, and a eye catching masthead which emphasised my magazine's name.
When researching music magazine's I chose an array of different techniques to follow when creating my own contents page for 'Reckless'. Magazine's often categorize the different articles featured in to sections in order to make it easier for the reader, a convention I followed. In order to substitute for having a lack of photographs on my front cover I featured an array of diverse images in my contents page which I believed would advertise what was featured in 'Reckless', thus intriguing potential buyers. I research an array of diverse double page spreads that were interviews and discovered that the typical conventions were text on the right and a dominating photograph to the left, I adapted this to my own magazine.

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