Thursday, 29 November 2012

'Reckless' contents page

I decided to repeat the title of 'RECKLESS' on my contents page. I used the same font which is on my front cover to emphasise my magazine's logo so customers would be familiar with it when 'RECKLESS' would be among other magazine's in stores. I decided to give my magazine an official website as all well known music magazine's with a similar genre, such as 'kerrang' have one; the magazine would also be accessible through other sources of media, such as mobile phones, to suite an array of different customers. I added 'this week' to make it clear that my magazine would be published weekly so potential customers would be reminded when to buy. 

I highlighted each category: 'exclusive interviews', 'news' and 'gigs and download' so my contents page was organised so customers would be able to easily find what story intrigued them. In my 'exclusive interviews' section I chose those particular artists as the music they produce are the genre which my magazine specialises in; these would appeal to my audience as they would buy 'RECKLESS' because their primary music preference will be alternative. Yet again in my 'news' section, I used artists and bands which fitted in with the type of genre my music magazine focus' on. I think that the 'Blink 182 possible split' would arouse a lot of curiosity as they have been a popular, well known band in the pop-punk industry for years and would attract many potential buyers.  I added a 'gigs and download' section to my contents page as I believe that a lot of teenagers who would buy 'RECKLESS' would attend many gigs; my magazine would dedicate a full article for the buyers to send in their own photographs and comments on the recent gigs they would attend, as if they had a real relationship with 'RECKLESS'. 

I added two photographs to my contents page. One is of a 'blink 182' gig which I have advertised as a free poster in an attempt to attract more buyers. I believe that teenagers who would buy this magazine would be attracted to the poster as 'Blink 182' are a band which musics genre fits in with 'RECKLESS', meaning that fans are likely to buy. The second photograph is of Andrew Robinson posing as a band member before he got signed, I think that this certain article would appeal to many teenagers as a majority of them have dreams of becoming part of a band. This article of 'RECKLESS' would give them hope that their dream is achievable.

I have highlighted the section that advertises a monthly subscription to my magazine to make it eye catching. I made certain words like 'only' in bold to emphasise how the price is reasonably cheap. I added a phone number as it makes the offer seem genuine, and if the customers had any problems with 'RECKLESS' their complaints or enquiries would be listened to. 

I would have an editors note each issue as I believe that it creates a friendly bond with the readers and magazine. I think that having a editors note makes the readers feel as if the publishers of the magazine have a genuine concern for their buyers and the fact that the editor encouraged them to send in their own photographs and comments allows them to have an input. 

The colour palette I used for my contents page is: black, white and purple. I used these colours so it doesn't look as if my magazine is aimed at just one particular sex. I capitalised the headers of my magazine's sections to make them stand out and after trying an array of colours against the purple box' I think that the white contrasted the most. After writing the editors note in a regular, simple font, I decided to put 'Annabel' in 'Edwardian Script ITC' to make it look as if it was hand written, like I have saw in many other magazine's when doing research.  When advertising certain articles on my contents page I used varied page numbers instead of chronologically going up as it emphasised the variety of topics my magazine had on offer, it also makes it easy for potential buyers to recognise if 'RECKLESS' would interest them. I put a quote from page twenty seven to hint that my magazine has more than just six exclusive interviews which are advertised on my contents page, this could make the potential readers curious to see who is else is featured in 'RECKLESS' and make them flick through the magazine to find out who it is, hopefully finding other articles which will make them want to buy. 

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