It is apparent that I was new to Photoshop by comparing my preliminary task magazine to my current one. The magazine did not appear realistic and the layout was also lacking realism as it lacked the most basic conventions.
The programmes that I was introduced to:
Blogger is a free, online website which enables users to create a blog to post whatever content they please. You are able to choose your own layout, font and background. It is also possible to add other forms of media to your blog such as videos and photographs.
Photoshop is a software that enabled me to edit my photographs and initially design my magazine's layout.
Before I even started to create my initial magazine, 'RECKLESS', I knew that I wished to produce a magazine which featured alternative, pop-punk bands. Although I made the decision to create an alternative magazine I researched an array of diverse music magazines which featured other genres of music.The magazine's included: Kerrang, Q, Rolling Stone, NME. I believe that researching diverse magazines broadened my knowledge on the different layouts that I could use, expanding my creative knowledge and allowing me to experiment with different styled layouts. I mainly used the internet to browse through magazines but also viewed them in stores like WH Smith.
Arrangements: I asked my friend 'Sophie Tait' to pose as my model, although I did ask her in person I also double checked the night before by contacting her over the social networking website 'Facebook'. Before going to Shiny Row College to shoot the photographs I completed extra planning by organising a suitable, alternative outfit which teenagers would typically wear. I also asked 'Sophie Tait' if she would put her extensions in, wear dark eye makeup and fake eyelashes to complete the alternative appearance that I was aiming for. As for poses I put together a college of possible poses that I wished to try and copy.
Photo I took inspiration from for front cover:
It is apparent that I took inspiration from these particular styles of Photographs. My model also had heavy eye makeup and her clothing casual and grunge-like. I also believed that the pose was incredibly important, I asked my model to have an intense gaze on the camera lens in order to attract potential buyers attention when placed on the front cover.
Photo I took inspiration from for double page spread:
I believe that this photograph contrasted the slightly defensive photograph I used for the front cover, my model appeared more friendly and relaxed. It was also an excellent way to show my model's full outfit to emphasise her alternative, teenage-like appearance.
In my preliminary task I used a standard digital camera to shoot my photographs, I also took the images on location rather than using a professional studio which was equipped with spotlights and had a white background.
Preliminary task photograph compared to 'RECKLESS' photographs:
As you can see the difference of these photographs is remarkable, even after editing the curves of the photograph on my preliminary task the image still did not appear professional and this is why I decided that I would shoot my model in a professional photography studio for 'RECKLESS'. When shooting in a studio I used the 'high key technique', this technique means that you place your model in front of a white background, position spotlights at the background and her, and connect the flash of the spotlights to the Canon camera.
The tools I used on Photoshop included editing the 'curves' and the 'clone stamp tool.'
To access the tool which alters the curves of an image I go along the tool bar to 'Image', 'Adjustments' and 'Curves'. When clicking on curves the grid above appears. One of the points darkens aspects of the photograph such as my model's hair and skirt; the other point highlights area's like her face and makes the background a more vibrant white.
The 'Clone Stamp Tool', allowed me to copy certain parts of the photograph and position it on other areas. I used this tool to eliminate the scratches that were visible on the box that my model was sitting on.
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